Heres what you need to do to exchange your old clothes for cash: NextWorth is an online electronics recycling platform that will help you sell your electronic devices like your phone. Great communication and easy to work with for selling clothes on eBay. OK, I think I need this pink couch. to Sell Your Stuff on Facebook Marketplace If youre ready to sell, these nine apps can help you sell your stuff. Its a commercial centre for neighbourhood purchasers and venders that have outperformed the beginning of eBay as far as deals volume. Like Craigslist (which vendors should use with caution given past scams), Facebook Marketplace is free to use and users negotiate how they want to pay; unlike Craigslist, it touts the benefit of being able to sell to/buy from people in your social network. This can consist of creating and maintaining the listing of your products for sale, handling sales queries and shipping the items to customers. I need to start doing this ASAP and can pay a percentage of sales. Ask whether your item's price will be reduced if it doesn't sell within a certain time frame. After a little research Sigety realized it was the work of a well-known South American artist; Christie's will auction it this fall. This means that you have to arrange payment with the buyer. Would 100% hire again, and would have", "Thank you Mitchell you did a great job for such a complicated desk. This article also appeared in the September 2014 issue of Consumer Reports magzine. Apps are the new garage sale, and the best apps for selling your stuff can make the process both painless, and lucrative. I am at Edgecliff but can drop items off. The sell price is listed below each good. Clothing, in most cases, should have been bought in the past year or two so that it won't be out of style, says Schneider. Swappa is an online marketplace for buying and selling used electronics. Cheers Why wait for referrals that may never come? to Sell In the event that you acknowledge the offer, theyll pay for the delivery, and once the book is assessed, you will be paid by means of PayPal or check. Due date: Flexible. The service shows the location of users, along with their public Facebook profiles. A long time ago, I won a mountain bike in a contest, handed it over to a business that did just that and they sent me a check. Most professionals will charge $100 to $300 or more an hour to look over your goods, do some research, and write up a detailed valuation. 4. You can see if a potential Tasker has the right attitude by looking at their reviews and ratings from their past clients. Judge for yourself every task gets a review. One-of-a-kind items, gently used sporting goods, clothing, electronics, and popular collectibles sell best, says Lynn Dralle, who runs, a site that helps people sell goods on eBay. - Also, find out what the house's "sell-through" rate is, which is the percent of sales that are actually completed. Be friendly. CardCash is a unique platform that helps you sell unwanted gift cards. For example, if you have an antique chest, include the furniture maker's name and the date and amount paid for it. Daniella Flores, creator and author of I Like To Dabble, a blog about money tips and side hustles avows theres nothing you cant sell on eBay, where shes found fortune flipping items, mainly guitars. You can sell almost anything on OfferUp, so it's kind of like a virtual yard sale except you don't have lug all of your stuff onto the front lawn. Hire It taxes the proceeds from the sale of collectibles as capital gains, generally at a rate of 28 percent. The price below is not accurate. Otherwise, they will send your item back to you. A spokesperson for Poshmark cites the following brands as most profitable right now, from a sellers perspective: There are three simple steps to start selling on Poshmark: take a picture of the clothing item, insert relevant details and price, and share with the community the more you share, the more you sell, says Kate Franco, VP, customer engagement at Poshmark who recommends new users check out the apps getting started guide and an overview of its community guidelines here. Junk Removal vs. Dumpster Rental: Which Should You Choose. BuyBackBoss is a site that helps you offload your used cell phones, tablets, and other tech items by either buying from you or letting you trade-in. I am unable to even move the items myself due to arthritis and am wondering how I could get someone to take care of the sales, shipping, etc. Take a few photographs of the possessions you want to auction and write detailed descriptions that you can share with potential auctioneers. 5Miles. They also dispose of any remaining objects and receive a commission of between 30% to 40% of everything sold at the estate sale. You can opt for cash or ThredUp credit and there is no difference in value., Sellers also have the option to order a donation bag a great way to support a charity if youre tight on funds. Look at the prices that past items similar or exactly the same as yours sold for and use that as your base price for when you list your items.. Craigslist is tried and true, and now the CPlus app lets you buy and sell on She is efficient, organised and very thorough . Negotiate fees. You'll pay a sliding scale of fees, depending on what the item is and how much it sells for, plus a shipping charge (its site has more details). Airtasker Pty. You'll need an assistant to handle customer enquiries, payments and shipping - for this, you can and should hire a Tasker! The presale estimated value: $30,000 to $50,000. NBC News BETTER is obsessed with finding easier, healthier and smarter ways to live. Before posting your items for sale, your Tasker can research the most sought-after features and value of your items. If you feel that Peddle provided a fair deal and accept it, the Peddle agent will schedule the pick-up time. Although planning and running a yard sale take up a lot of time, you don't have pay anyone a commission on the money you make. Shops should give you a written contract that spells out who is responsible for lost or stolen goods, the payment schedule, and what happens if your goods don't sell. My offer is based on per hour, but please make your offers. If youre using a platform that requires you to upload details on an item and ship yourself, remember these tips: A picture is worth a thousand words, or however much youre trying to get for an item. She asked her husband, who is a programmer, to help her build something better and VarageSale was born. It uses picture acknowledgement innovation and computerized reasoning to enable you to label your things. You can fill out the online form to get in touch with someone who can explain the consignment process for you. The competition: People with unwanted items can donate them; sell directly through sales platforms; sell them through a physical consignment store or pawnshop; or 5Miles touts itself as a distinctive approach to mobile commerce. to Sell Whether you choose more widely known spots such as eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace, or any of the platforms previously discussed, you can earn cash for your items, along with the added benefit of decluttering your space. And if you accept the offer, you should pack your things and mail them with the free shipping label Decluttr will send to you. Enter Your Email Address to Receive free access today: Companies That Sell Your Stuff For You 2021. ou type in the books ISBN (the number within the book spread or coat) and the application will make you an offer. Hiring a professional to manage your estate liquidation helps alleviate the stress and burden of overseeing every detail. If you don't have a lot of time, and aren't attached to how much your items sell for, Gone is the best app for selling your stuff because you hardly have to do anything at all. I really don't think ebay is the best place to sell things anymore it really depends what sort of things you are selling. Most shops will generally return unsold items after 90days or may donate unsold items to a charity and give you a receipt. Yes. ", "So professional and polite, did an excellent job removing trees from my courtyard. Home Sell Stuff companies that sell your stuff for you. Makaela Premont, a lifestyle blogger at Uniquely Mickie, has been selling on Poshmark for nearly five years, and finds that well-known or more expensive brands sell the quickest including Nike, Kate Spade, Michael Kors and Express sell best. Todd Sigety, an antiques appraiser in Alexandria, Va., recently got a call from a woman who wanted him to look through the contents of a storage unit that belonged to her late aunt. She also gave me loads of advices . Fill in a short form and get free quotes for professional eBay selling assistance near you, "Thanks for a thorough and professional job! If you determine it might be a valuable object, it's probably a good idea to have it appraised. Also help with moving forward and what info I should be reporting. That information will help you determine when to adjust pricing, photos or keywords to better set up your listing for success.. "People often buy things for parts at garage sales, especially broken electronics," says Lynda Hammond, author of "Garage Sale Gal's Guide to Making Money Off Your Stuff" (Gibbs Smith, 2011). WebSearch for jobs related to Hire someone to sell my stuff or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 22m+ jobs. Include any condition info, such as pristine, chipped, or stained. Im sure that was based on a job they saw in real life. OfferUp Support on YouTube. Make enough directional signs to attract people to your house from major routes. Need help photographing, listing, pricing, dealing with enquiries, posting, etc, the lot. mrcol1000 Forumite. Before you deal with any website, see what kind of traffic it gets, what it will charge you for its servicesincluding the percentage of the sale it will keepwhether your items can be shipped to it and returned free if they don't sell, and who pays credit-card and PayPal processing fees. "A man at her sale told her he only had $400 on him for the set; she was so flustered she talked him down to $300.". IE 11 is not supported. "I always suggest that people go to some auctions to see what different houses specialize in and to see which ones pull in a good crowd," says Luke. Listing items for sale on eBay Before posting your I am a reseller that has a small store on ebay. unopened, never usedyou're still selling it secondhand, so consider discounting the price vs. retail. Highly recommended. Most buyers research by title, so include all you need there. If he won't budge on commission, he might be willing to pay to pack and ship your items to the auction house at no additional charge. Step 3 (optional): Plan, buy and install cabinets, shelves, slatwall storage, and ceiling storage. If an item is slightly used, price them at 30 per cent of their actual price and 10 per cent of what you paid for if they're well-worn. Does it have scratches? Get some help. You simply check the scanner tag on everything and Decluttr will make you an offer. I like to use a solid background and natural light to photograph my images, says Amy Mings, a lifestyle blogger at Maison de Mings who sells on Facebook Marketplace. The information youll need to provide about your item include: Once BuyBackBoss receives your item and reviews that it is in the condition you stated, they will issue your payment. We like to say, Write descriptions as if there are no pictures and take pictures as if there are no written descriptions.. Simple! Ask shopkeepers how much money you might make. There are a lot of local people around my area looking for odd jobs and you may just find a neighbor that can help for a smaller fee than an official company. I think this is what estate sale companies do, right? It gives consigners 80 percent on designer goods sales of more than $5,000, 75 percent of sales greater than $1,000, and 62 percent for any lesser amount. This platform is especially beneficial for college students or graduates looking to resell their textbooks because thats whats most in-demand on the platform. Only hire a service that offers proof of being insured Make sure your laptop or desktop computer remains in tiptop shape so you can track your sales! Press J to jump to the feed. Trading Assistants are experienced eBay sellers who will sell your items on eBay for a fee. It may take a bit of time, but you can usually determine the value of objects or furniture by researching it online. ThredUps style experts triple-check for quality and authenticity. They likewise purchase books that arent reading material. To any of my fellow frugal folks have any suggestions for me? 5Miles is another local buying and selling app, but it combines its marketplace with local services like housing and jobs, sort of like a super-secure version of Craigslist. Due date: Before Monday, 6 February 2023, Hi. After your eBay selling assistant has successfully made a sale, they can make sure to collect payment. I will give you access to my eBay account as an admin, and you can take well lit photographs of each item and list it on eBay. This will help your listing be more competitive in attracting buyer interest, and you're more likely to sell your unwanted item faster.. The exact condition of your device Is it working? eBay Consignment is DEAD. Try this instead! - Medium This is one of the most relevant forcompanies that sell your stuff for you, because you can get a Clean Out Kit where they post the kit to you for free and then they will deal with the unwanted items for you. - How to Find and Hire a Reputable Estate Sale Company. Need professional help with your project? This app does most of the work for you, including posting, selling, and shipping your products while making you a great offer, and picking up your stuff at your own home. You upload photos and descriptions of your items and set the prices. I just did some downsizing and have some really nice items that are worth some $$ but are useless to me in my present situation. Free and with no transaction fees, 5Miles, an app for local selling and buying, is another option for selling stuff locally. Even if you feel like your item may not have prospective buyers, try listing on any of the platforms discussed. For a more detailed list and explanation, you can checkeBay's policies on restricted items. But your basement and attic may be bursting with possessions you no longer want, and you might be surprised by the amount you can pocket if you know the best ways to sell your stuff. Some, but not all, junk removal companies will then sort what you give them, sell objects of value, and take a small percentage of the profits. Due date: Flexible, Household goods and collectables You Selling Handling your eBay sales and posts yourself is fine if you're selling one or a few items now and then, but the process can get more complex if you run a store with fast-moving items. Ship your package to the buyer as if it must survive a great USPS catastrophe and make it look pretty by wrapping in tissue paper. I need someone who is local, so you can list items in person. This means you can still sell your used items to reduce clutter in your home or run a small store that sells new items. Step 2: Clean out the garage. These brands tend to produce high-quality garments that stand the test of time and get better with wear such as Frye and Patagonia. First, download the ThredUp app on your iOS or Android device, Ship your clothes to the ThredUp warehouse, Get paid in cash or store credits that you can use to buy anything from the ThredUp store. You can also choose to get a prepaid debit card or gift card as payment. Retrieve your username. And start earlysay, 6 a.m. or 7 ensure that you'll get the going-to-work and driving-the-kids-to-school crowd. The eBay Valet app. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. A personalized Thank You note is also a nice touch. Build & Buy Car Buying Service EBay tacks on final value fees (percentages vary based on category and selling price) and, if youre selling upwards of 50 items a month, insertion fees. ", "Fantastic service from Antonia. The content on is for informational and educational purposes only and cannot replace any professional financial advice. Hammond suggests using signs no bigger than 15x15 inches that simply say "Sale" and have an arrow pointing the way. Sites such as eBay, Poshmark, ThredUp and Facebook Marketplace allow just about anybody to vend their goods. I have a heap of clothes, mostly new, that I need to list on eBay. Note that BuyBackBoss currently only accepts iPhones, Samsung, and Google Pixels for phone buyback and trade-ins. Due date: Flexible, Im after someone to collect my clothes and accessories and sell them on eBay and FB on my behalf. Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Poshmark is a free app for selling clothing, shoes, handbags, accessories, etc. Once an item sells, Poshmark sends the seller a pre-paid priority shipping label through PoshPost. VarageSale on Twitter. If your sale totals less than $300, you're more likely to pay that 50 percent; more expensive items are charged lower commissions. Other users can While this is a third-party app, it acts as a gateway to Craigslist for mobile users. Check out the full seller fee policy here. Due date: Flexible, I'm looking for someone who has experience with listing items on eBay to list for approx 3-4hrs for me, with the possible view of ongoing work. As long as you both agree that the customer's request for a refund is justified under eBay's Terms and Conditions, you can authorize them to handle the refund. I dont have time to sell them myself and would like a professional to sell them for me. Start getting offers to do your task ASAP! Payment simplified. LetGo enables you to transfer things like photographs. LePrix is an online consignment shop for men and womens clothing and accessories. Its a Poshmark subreddit that may be able to assist you with your question. In general, you'll pay a sales commission equal to 20 to 50 percent of the sale price. eBay To Sell Your Stuff I know this comment is from years ago - but I am in the NYC area and often help others sell on Ebay/Facebook Marketplace/Craigslist/Poshmark for a percentage of what the item sells for.
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