Intarsia Knitting: A Guide To This Colorwork Knitting Technique Great videos. This distinguishes it from other colorwork methods like mosaic knitting or intarsia. 6:08 am. Don. Many knitters like to wrap each strand around a different finger and knit all stitches English style (throwing) or Continental style (picking). September 28, 2021 @ it both ways before getting too far into a project. Because Im a continental knitter and I carry both yarns in my left hand, that series of photos is first, but if you scroll down youll also find a series of photos demonstrating the same technique in the two-handed method, with one yarn carried in each hand. Weve got some handy tips on making this dream a reality. If the floats are too tight, they will draw your fabric in, causing puckering which will change the look and fit of your finished item. Cut off the excess yarn, leaving about a 1/2-inch tail. September 27, 2021 @ Color in the boxes with two or more colors. Think of the dominant color as the one creating the design rather than the one creating the background. Method 2 - Working Yarn in Left Hand Use this method when your WORKING yarn is in your LEFT hand and your FLOAT yarn is in your RIGHT hand. If youve been too intimidated to give colourwork a try, this tutorial will demystify the process and take you through it step by step. When carrying both yarns in the left hand, you may need to use your thumb to hold the floating yarn (blue) out of the way. My UPS gal surprised me again the other day with several new Interweave books full of wonderful, inventive projects. When you begin knitting stranded colourwork, you may find that your yarns get all tangled up around and around each other, which can be annoying, but this is simple to prevent. A quick little video showing how to cable without a cable needle. How To Finish Intarsia Knitting Knitosophy Designs uses cookies on our site to improve your experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Simply follow the colourwork chart, and the pattern appears! A long float would be considered more than 5 stitches in a row of one color before changing. used to, so try each method and then spend some time practicing (preferably on a small project or even a 11:20 am. Next, wrap the right-hand strand of yarn around the working needle to knit itbut before you pull it If you finish knitting something and onlythenrealize that you should have trapped the long floats dont worry! Bringyour working yarn betweenthe needles as though you are going to knit but don't complete the stitch. Hi Julie The key to tension in colourwork is keeping those floats nice and loose. The project is a scarf called the Ajiro Scarf. Equipped with the basics of stranded colorwork knitting, you can now proceed with confidence! Omit them, of course! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. can make the fabric look strange. colorwhether on one finger, in a Yarn Guide, or in your left hand while the other strand is in your What are your thoughts on this? Colorwork Sans Floats I've made it pretty clear to the knitting world that when it comes to colorwork, floats and I are incompatible. Finally, spread out your sweater and leave it to air-dry. knitting your multi-color project. You may have heard of trapping floats, but Ill let you in on a little secret: Emily and I almost never trap our floats! Im trapping my float every 6th stitch as I work across the span of charcoal grey, but you could trap every 5th or 4th stitch as well. A critical thing to keep in mind when knitting colorwork is where you're holding your main color (MC) vs. 7:56 am. No need to trap floats there. In this example, the dominant yarn is the floating yarn, while the background yarn is the working yarn. Check out our tutorial on swatching for colourwork here. September 24, 2021 @ Enjoy! This was all very helpful. I was told it is never too loose when knitting multi colors . For stranded colorwork knitting in particular, swatching may be even more invaluable, as it allows for the opportunity to practice stranding techniques, get acquainted with the mechanics of working with multiple strands of yarn, and test color combinations before committing to a larger project. Its possible to trap those long floats as youre weaving in ends after the fact (and if there isnt a long end to weave in where you need to trap a float, you can take a spare bit of leftover yarn and just weave it into the wrong side of the fabric as if it were an end, trapping the floats as you go). (Don't know what the proper terminology is). They are best known for their craft books and their original, colourful and visually striking designs. I was introduced to your helpful tutorials when knitting the Grumpy Grandpa Cardigan. October 28, 2021 @ When working stranded fabric with two or more colors, one color (the Dominant Color) will always be more prominent on the right side (RS) while the other (the Background Color) recedes to the background. Bring your float yarn behind your working yarn. If you are able to take a class on this technique, or self-learn the opposite knitting style from your current preference, I highly recommend giving it a try. Youll want to keep this in mind when choosing the right size if youre knitting a sweater with a colourwork body (get more info on choosing a colourwork sweater size here). September 27, 2021 @ In the words ofJune Hemmons Hiatt, the most successful method is as much a matter of anatomy as it is of dexterity, so keep swatching, experimenting, and practicing to find what works best for you. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The rest is just details! KnitChats - Tip to Keep Loose Floats in Stranded Knitting Thank you so much! Im going to queue it up today and start looking through my stash for appropriate yarn (or I may just have to spring for the luscious Fibre Company Road to China Light thats used in the book!). Likely because I need to work on the tension of my floats. I dont enjoy trapping floats very much, as it slows down my knitting and can affect the look of my knitted fabric, and Ill avoid it if I can get away with it. But since youre here and maybe youre in the mood lets talk about some of those details. But after a couple of hours of practice, everybody manages to get the hang of it. To swatch for a stranded colorwork motif, we recommend the Speed Swatching method for circular knitting; because most stranded colorwork patterns are worked in the round, it is best to swatch in the round as well. As you work following the chart, the fabric grows to create the pattern shown, so you can look at the colourwork chart and make a fair guess at what the finished product will look like theyre closely related. Hold your float yarn away from your working yarn as you knit your next stitch. This is a very secure way to trap the float. Keeping your Dominant Color and Background Color consistent will ensure that your colorwork motifs pop rather than recede into the background. Knit Picks and are registered trademarks of Crafts Americana Group, Inc. (We found that for this reason, colorwork charts are quite helpful forlearning how to read knitting charts.). And before embarking on a sweater-sized project, its wise to do a swatch first. After knitting this stitch, I have 7 stitches of my 21-stitch span knit. The basketweave pattern is reminiscent of fishing nets, so I chose blue and natural colors to accentuate the ideas of sea and shore. Please, for the sake of your sanity, choose a pattern thats knit in the round! 9:47 am, Anna Buchholtz > >, Knitting on an Airplane and Other Travel Tips for Makers, Why You Shouldn't Buy a Knitter Yarn as a Gift, Reasons to Take Your WIP to a Sporting Event, A Free Bracelet Beading Pattern for Valentines Day. When carrying both yarns in the left hand, you may need to use your thumb to hold the floating yarn (blue) out of the way. This looks tricky to the uninitiated; however, the pattern is formed using only knit stitches, so its not nearly as complicated as it looks! To help shorten the floats while maintaining good tension, tack these long floats to the wrong side of the work. This will work for any way you knit colorwork (one-handed or two, English or Continental). I dont enjoy trapping floats very much, as it slows down my knitting and can affect the look of my knitted fabric, and Ill avoid it if I can get away with it. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. the colorwork portions of a garmentusing US 9 needles on a colorwork yoke of a sweater thats otherwise Whats the process for trapping non-dominant float? to you and that allows you to get the most even tension in your knitting. The guidance suggested catching the floats (the stitches youre carrying of one colour behind the colour youre working with) every [], [] After that I got to start on the yoke and the colourwork. Colorwork without stranded floats? : knitting - I love your blog and all your instructions along with perfectly placed videos! (Wondering what the dominant yarn is? 2010 - 2022 Tin Can Knits. Neisha Dahlstrom Please confirm you want to block this member. Follow the instructions in the. This pulling can also really tighten your gauge and make garments too small. Insert your right-hand needle into the next stitch, but dont wrap your working yarn around the needle yet. I A long float would be considered more than 5 stitches in a row of one color before changing. October 5, 2021 @ Basically, this is multi-colored knitting thats done by carrying two colors at a time across a row. Eva You initially catch the floating yarn by changing its position as you knit, then you go back and make the floats ladder up themselves, in a technique that is somewhat similar in look to the ladderback jacquard technique used in commercial knitting. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. I have done very little colorwork but am working on a hat with some simple(ish) colorwork. Back-knitting is just as easy with two strands of yarn as a single strand. I knit continental style, with two strand on left hand. This effect is referred to as. For example, if there are 3 stitches in a row of one color, the other color will need to be carried behind it for 3 stitches. We recommend starting with a hat and only two colours just dive in and enjoy the learning process! I've been knitting for 2 years and I want to tackle some colorwork to keep expanding my skill set! In this video I demonstrate a couple of ways to carry floats in fair isle knitting. Some patterns, such as the Ajiro Scarf, require that the non-working yarn is carried farther7 stitches in this case (see chart at right). Its better to stagger the tension so you dont end up with one column of stitches pulling towards the inside of the project. When you come to the stitch you want to wrap, put your working needle into the stitch on the Use your best judgment and go with what youre comfortable with! This is a great email, which I just found because it went to spam. Because you have floats making a straight line across the back of the work, the fabric formed by stranded colourwork is much less stretchy than that formed with a regular knitted fabric. Ive made it pretty clear to the knitting world that when it comes to colorwork, floats and I are incompatible. Are there any other pages/videos showing this technique? I havent written it up in a blog post, but I covered trapping the non-dominant float in my video on Youtube about stranded colorwork. often, it is not uncommon for knitters to knit stranded colorwork with a tighter than usual tension, due to the mechanics of alternating between multiple working yarns. Some folks will tell you to trap floats every 3, 5, 7, 10+ stitches, but we almost never do (mittens are the exception). We use cookies to optimize our website and our service.
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