If you want to treat your chicken using conventional medicine, then youll want to contact your vet. I just got 8 chicks four barred rocks and four rhode island reds, my rooster and too barred rock Hens came down with sour crop, The two barred rock hens seem fine the crop is smaller. Did exactly what the first post did years ago, cut up the suppository in third . She lives on her farm in Southeast Missouri with her husband, two children, and about a million chickens and ducks. Poor chicken. Kills it in a day usually. So far we've given 6 treatments of the monistat 1/3rds. My vet said he doesn't know much about chickens and had no advice for me for sour crop. Given twice a day orally at 10 mg/kg for 21 days. we discuss the various reasons why hens stop laying and what you can do about it. Avian poxvirus infection and secondary candidiasis and bacterial infection. You should dissolve 1 teaspoon into a cup of water and give this to your chicken 2-3 times per day. Some use a variety of anti-fungal medicine (from monistat to foot fungal creams to traditional vet prescribed meds) to kill the accompanying infection in sour crop. Since it is pretty much a yeast infection and there are no commercial poultry medications available for it, you're going to have to use a yeast infection product made for humans. Thank you! I have been battling sour crop for 2 weeks with my 6 month old brahma hen. Monistat is usually the recommendation. Making sure your hens steer clear of rotten or moldy food as well as the compost pile will help prevent sour crop. If none of the above sour crop treatments cure your feathered friend, then you will have to feed your bird antibiotics. I really dont want to lose any of these chickens. I'd totally put it in her mouth and see if some that gives her some relief. If so, with what, how much and when? I never smelled the horrible breath reported to accompany the condition but we had gotten a severe rain several weeks before and some of the chicks food got a little moldy. She seems to have a swollen belly as well. She won't eat or drink anything, but we forced the medicine down. All seemed well! This can help move the food along to the gut. found a vet with some avian training and he said to make a solution or give 1/4th of a pill of reflux meds. what was wrong with a pullet who wasn't developing properly, getting weaker, low weight, her head was sort of weaving around, she acted like her vision was poor, her wattles were pale, and her feathers were rough (totally poor condition). As the food travels further down the system, nutrients and water are extracted from the paste. Baking Soda For Sour Crop (How It Helps + How To Use It), Antibiotics For Sour Crop, (+ Other Treatment Options). D McCluggage; Bird Vet Melbourne; G Damerow, May be indicated for severe infections. LindaBer, Wow, everybody is always sooo willing to help! Although preventing sour crop is absolutely better than having to treat it, there are times when youll just need to know how to treat sour crop. The hens are loosing feathers on their back. All Rights Reserved, crop, sour crop, and pendulous crop she kept getting sour crop over and over, . JavaScript is disabled. I just recently battled a severe sour crop infection with a hen. So with all the over-the-counter medications and DIY treatments for sour crop, which should you give your bird? Massage at this point should be from top to bottom. The crop is located just to the right of the breastbone. Given twice a day orally at 250 mg/kg for 14 to 17 days. I learned a lot but it was sad to lose an old friend. If youve wondered: Whether you can keep chicks and ducklings together in the same brooder If chick grit is necessary (and where to buy it) What you should do with, Read More Can I Keep Chicks & Ducklings Together? I will repeat in the morning and next evening. When treating your pet, give the bird this mixture through a syringe 2-3 times a day. Great that you did get a vet check up on her. I thought she was dead at first. document.write(CurrentYear) Before long, the exponential growth of this yeast will fill the crop leaving little room for food. Infection an ongoing infection can precipitate it. One of my girls crop is big. Massaging the crop when your chicken is upright can still be beneficial, as it can help break down the food and might help it pass into the stomach. I'm still optimistic and she would have been dead by now had I not done the monistat. I too did the Monistat 3 suppositories and gave my chicken 1/3 of suppository morning and night. The odor is almost like sauerkraut and is caused by fermenting food left in the crop. Not sure who to use? After living with a hen who I force fed for 2 months, it's wonderful to hear of a quick remedy for the condition which has taken up to 4 of my hens. She is running around eating drinking foraging. However, even if you do your best to prevent illnesses, your chickens might develop sour crop anyway. Small chicks can get into trouble when they start eating their bedding. I was surprised when the vet didn't recommend an antifungal. Shes going to be hungry and will fill her crop if she can, you dont want her to fill her crop until you know its working well. https://www.thehappychickencoop.com/chicken-treats/ I emptied her a few times and put her in a separate location . Sour crop is basically a yeast infection in the chicken's crop. Sour crop symptoms include lethargy, a horrendous stench coming from your chicken, or weight loss. FrugalChicken, LLC is not a licensed veterinary service. Enjoy the photos & be sure to share some of yours with me! I think I'm going to try this tomorrow. Let us know in the comments section below how you deal with crop issues. Im sorry to hear about your loss, Janet. One of our chickens has a HUGE crop. Having lost a few chickens to sour crop, found another one with it yesterday, gave it apple cider vinegar and then went to Walmart in search of Monistat suppositories . But had a friend that did. Brand Names: Miconazex, Monistat-, Femizol, Daktarin, Fungimin, Miconazole is an antifungal medication used to treat, Diagnosis and therapeutic management of candidiasis in falcons in Saudi Arabia, Treatment of epidermal cysts associated with Aspergillus fumigatus and Alternaria species in a silky bantam chicken, Diagnosis and Therapeutic Management of Candidiasis, In vitro comparison of the activity of various antifungal drugs against new yeast isolates causing thrush in poultry. Hi Judy, Candidiasis, often referred to as "sour crop", is an infection of the chicken's crop, caused by a build up of Candida. Use the syringe to give her the epsom salt solution. I'm going to start mixing grit with . So, with the hen in danger of dying already, I purchased a generic box of Monistat 3 (for about $5) which contains Miconazole Nitrate and decided to give it a try. Also known as magnesium sulfate, it can be used to help detoxify your chicken's crop. A. Bickford, and Richard L. Walker. Table of Contents (Quickly Jump To Information). About 10 days ago, we noticed our favorite hen was showing sign of being sick and after closer inspection, we realized it was also sour crop, but we caught it much much earlier than with Gypsy. You said you finished a new co-op. ), What is Abundance Homesteading? Cropping Up, Chickens, September/October 2015, page 74. Should I cut back on the treats, tell my friend that the starches will hurt the chickens, or should I wait and see what happens with a grain of salt since its rare when the chickens get sick? She comes out in the morning with all the other hens when my automatic chicken door opens. Mine is eating and drinking fine, and pooping. After 2 weeks of trying every other sour crop treatment with no signs of improvement, I got desperate and tried something unproven. Yes, I know what you mean by your sweet pet. We also started putting ACV with mother in their water daily, so hopefully that will be a good preventative for the rest of our small flock! If it is still full and feels boggy or squishy, it is likely a sour crop be gentle; the crop may feel sore to the bird. So, with the hen in danger of dying already, I purchased a generic box of Monistat 3 which contains Miconazole Nitrate and decided to give it a try. I kept mine inside, warm, electrolytes, and her normal feed. I finally (YEA!) If you don't tube feed her she will probably die: Has she been wormed? When rubbing the crop, always rub in an upward motion. I have never dealt with this. Great advice. What should I have done different? I love spending time with them and I occasionally give them healthy snacks. A slow emptying crop will cause back-up of food. Treat the primary cause, antifungals, strengthen immunity, crop flush. Claire. To prevent sour crop, consider offering apple cider vinegar. I have water and Greek yogurt available. The crop is a vital organ in your hens body that acts as a receptacle for whatever the chicken eats during the day. I'm struggling with sour crop myself and I'm willing to give it a chance! You get the idea here, I hope! Hi there, I have a chicken that I recognised had sour crop two days ago so I read up on your site and watched some videos on how to empty the crop. These are some treatments for crop impaction and may help if the crop has also begun to sour. Wrap her in a towel so you can hold and control her. I'm so glad to read the post about the monistat my hen doesn't care for yogurt or eating but I did get some probiotic in her today. One time you had a green plastic like shelter. If you can keep them away from likely sources of trouble (long grasses, nails, small pieces of string) and ensure you pick up rubbish around the chicken yard, your hens will likely be fine. Massaging can be done for 30 seconds at a time, a few times a day, remember to allow the bird time to rest between massages. Im more worried about her not walking now. After 12 hours offer water with. I'm going to continue to give it to her until all of the monistat is gone and keep working on feeding her yogurt, yolk, whey, etc. Youll have to make the decision thats best for you. like Pecid. If you are observant or lucky enough to catch crop issues when they start, you will have much better outcomes than if the problem has been going on for a while. University of California, Davis. As the hen becomes infected with the fungus, the lining of her crop thickens, and the infection can interfere with her crops ability to empty its contents into her stomach. Given orally at 20 mg/kg, every 48 hours for 14 to 17 days. May be indicated for severe infections. A disease of the alimentary tract of chickens, turkeys, and sometimes other birds and mammals, characterised by thickening and white plaques on the mucosa, especially in the crop but sometimes in the proventriculus, intestine and cloaca, and associated with gizzard erosion. If you arent yet following me there, you can right here. Did so. Required fields are marked *. I treated with monistat as described in this thread. We will delve into what it is, how to treat it and how to avoid it in the future. Let's stay updated! Use an over-the-counter antifungal like Micronazole or Clotrimazole (sold under brand names like Monistat or Canesten): apply cream externally to the vent area, an almond-sized amount internally using an applicator and give tablets orally (cut each one into thirds and give one piece per day for six days). Thank you! Given twice a day orally at 300,000 IU/kg. After just 2 treatments she was so much better! This post helped me so much! Hope she's ok! The actions and products it suggests do not . Hold your chicken upside down and massage her crop toward her mouth. Im so sorry to hear that. I have been giving her the cream twice a day now and her crop hasnt really gone down. He diagnosed sour crop and tipped her up, massaged her crop and up came two lots of smelly brown liquid. All Rights Reserved. Isolate the bird from the flock and place in a safe, comfortable, warm location (your own chicken "intensive care unit") with easy access to water and food. May be indicated for severe infections. If she isnt drinking on her own or isnt drinking much you may have to force feed the water. Unfortunately, the plastic covers werent durable, so we have to reskin the frames again. He just left me a message so I didn't actually get to talk to him. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Coop & Run - Design, Construction, & Maintenance. In your article you wrote Candida is a naturally occurring bacteria of chickens. My chicken (probably around 5yrs old) had a sour crop 2 weeks ago (she was lying in the coop with liquid dropping out of her mouth). The crop can normally stretch and contract, but occasionally it can stay dilated this can become a pendulous crop. Thank you! I'm trying this on a hen with sour crop today. Coop & Run - Design, Construction, & Maintenance. Miconazole for Chickens and Ducks Brand Names: Miconazex, Monistat-, Femizol, Daktarin, Fungimin Drug Type: Antifungal Miconazole Overview Miconazole is an antifungal medication used to treat ringworm and sour crop in birds. It may not display this or other websites correctly. If you smell something funky, then you might be dealing with sour crop! I am restricting food and water. Merck Veterinary Manual. These images also appear on myInstagramaccount where I share MANY more photos and stories from the farm! I noticed a few of the hens and one of the roosters spit up when they eat. watching her now. You will need a syringe, towel and paper towels. They love fresh kale, tomatoes pumpkins, and watermelons, but they also like scratch and the occasional grasshopper. Join More Than 15,000 Chicken Enthusiasts Who Have Already Subscribed. Do you feel you now knowhow to treat sour crop? Or even coconut oil with the syringe?). The proventriculus adds enzymes to help break down and start digestion before the food gets into the gizzard. We need to know what causes a rooster to peck at the hens. She and I both put up a good battle, and had the vet consult. (I get that you say she wouldnt eat or drink, but perhaps a syringe would work, if you are gentle? Candida species are a normal part of a healthy chicken's microflora. Your email address will not be published. What if a girl that you were going to cull anyway develop sour crop. If the crop is severely impacted the only option is surgery. A pendulous crop is notoriously difficult to treat as it will likely keep recurring. Give your chicken plenty of water. Chickens can get simple cases of Sour Crop and yes, vaginal creams work well on these simple cases. They cannot process food as quickly as it is eaten. He diagnosed her with sour crop and prescribed 14 days of Nsyatin. You can read our article here Both of these medications are antifungal medications that can greatly improve your birds sour crop issue. Feed probiotics/yogurt /ACV in water during/after treatment. Failing that, watch a YouTube video and do it yourself. To clear up the sour crop, I gave her the generic walmart brand of monistat. Keep an eye on her to be sure the impaction was removed and the crop is emptying. One of my four ladies has been vomiting brownish yellow liquid. Session 2 Of What The Cluck? [Podcast]Continue, Hey yall! https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/cken-and-give-subcutaneous-fluid#post_9910754, Need dosage of Miconazole nitrate 1% lotion for Sour Crop, Squishy crop, but no smell and is empty in the morning. Waysidedesign - Someone suggested to me, earlier in this thread, that the yogurt with the extra live cultures (Activia, etc.) Thank you, I will keep a close eye on her!
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