Just more pandering. The following contains spoilers from Star Trek: Discovery's Season 4 finale. By indicating that shes not ashamed of her body? Its shall we say very variable. Plus, TNG literally had a therapist as part of the bridge crew. I think Mary is amazingly pretty and has absolutely nothing to worry about in terms of her figure. I cant stand any sentence (especially related to DSC) which starts off with Everybody loves Its never true. Her character Tilly is not my favorite on the show but body shaming is a shameful act by itself. Its a tricky one, as someone who is outside America and didnt have English as the first language growing up its more noticeable. How does Tillys scientific mind come into play in solving the crisis of the anomaly in season four? Shes loved. And we saw the results of all that. The Berman era had specific ideas about things like accents and music that kind of locked it into something fairly homogeneous. I wasnt complaining there were therapists on board. It really doesnt fit in the century they are in. I think criticism of the actors is wrong as well, its not about the actors its what they have been told deliver. Would a woman watching this aspire to be a Tilly or aspire to be a Dax, Kira or Janeway? I never felt that what has come before should define the franchise in the future. But Barclay is just irritating as hell. And I just let the writers take me on a journey. Against all odds, shes in Starfleet and thriving. Her character, Sylvia Tilly, has had plenty of opportunities to shine without giving anything away, and Wiseman has risen to the occasion. If there had been a believable logical progression from Cadet Tilly in season 1 to Starfleet Academy instructor in season 4, where they had built up the character to where she shed bits and pieces of the awkwardness as she became more confident in her abilities. It is one thing to be healthy and quite another to be reed-thin and healthy. Just a heads up (even more way off topic), for those who liked SG , IMO the Atlantis book Legacy series was quite good, telling the story of what happened after the finale. Like damn the guy's 90 ffs give him a break. That said, I know people can be cruel and I am even worried bringing up this topic for fear of the idiot fringe piling on, but I hope Mary Wiseman is okay or has a good reason for her weight gain since S1. BTW, I know this is waaaaaay off topic, but since you are the literary Trek lover on this site and keep up with a lot of the books, do you think Prodigy is going to use some of Kirsten Beyers Full Circle Voyager story lines? 1:15. And CBS posted some images of Emperor Georgious quarters on the ISS Discovery. Well second most after Burnam , she was fine in season 1 and 2.past 2 seasons theyve rushed her character developmentsame with michael.the vulcan minded human became human real fast. New episodes ofStarTrek: Discoverypremiere on Thursdays onCBS All Accessin the U.S. andonCTV Sci-Fi Channelin Canada, where its also available to stream onCrave. Fans need to stop being rude and act like gentlemen for once. Hahahaha! But dont those characteristics fit better on a younger character, while the older one grows up and changes? Yet, she is. Just blows my mind. Also the writers, Erika Lipoldt and Bo Yeon Kim. DSC has a wonderful cast and a neat diverse set of characters. I have this image in my head of the EPs saying to Mack that theyd like species that havent been main characters in other shows and asking him to give a list of options for a big and strong species, a species without a bianary gender etc. Maybe Saru wont be on the ship as much but Im guessing they are going the same direction. I believe we can thank Mack for helping the Showrunners and writers identify species that would work in Prodigy and for some deep cuts. For people who dont know, it had to do with Voyager leading a fleet of ships going back to the Delta Quadrant a few years after Voyager arrived home. https://t.co/zV56ClHoUZ, Kate Mulgrew (@TheKateMulgrew) December 18, 2020. [laughs] Everybody loves Tilly. Between Marys comments about how Tilly internalizes her experiences as acting First Officer and Captain and the fact that we see Gen Rhys in the big chair in one of the early production stills, does anyone think that Discovery might get Treks first regular series Asian First Officer? David, Can we expect any surprising uses of the special things that Book can do in season four, now that he can control the spore drive? I think that in a world thats so repressed and violent, violence becomes these peoples only outlet for pleasure and release. Bad writing, illogical story arcs, unbalanced tempo, underdeveloped characters or sudden jumps in character development. It means something to me. Saying that its the job of actors to tell people whats healthy and whats not is the problem, not a solution. At New York Comic Con, TrekMovie participated in some group interviews with members of the cast and crew, one of which was with the pair-up of Mary Wiseman (Tilly) and David Ajala (Book). Im not the idiot fringe but her weight is none of our business (and, also, she had a baby before S3, I believe). No it says a lot about the incredibly dangerous message she is sending. She is most recognized for her roles in the science fiction drama series Star Trek: Discovery on Paramount+, where she first played Cadet, then Ensign, and finally . MS Wiseman owns the sadistic Bitch Capt Killy like she does Tilly. Roddenberrys imprint on Next Gen made the characters not flawed enough for some tastes, granted, but Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise have countless examples of human foibles and emotions sure, not to the degree as Discovery, with its ship full of Barclays as one commenter put it, rhetorically. Overweight and obesity are a leading health risk identified by the World Health Organization. However, we do know that David Mack does. | December 23, 2020 | Good for her, and I love the character! Perhaps they had a second or third language that they use regularly. Hes been very creative in using callbacks and interweaving eras in his own work. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I think Saru will just be the surrogate first officer again although he is now a captain. Tilly appears twice in the Star Trek: Discovery season 5 trailer. Ichebs torture on Picard was horrible and the eating ganglia in S1, yikes! Thats kind of what I was playing with. Mary Wiseman Net Worth The net worth of Mary Wiseman has been estimated at $1 million. You two are Michaels boyfriend and best friend, so does Michael becoming captain create any new tension in season four? What a surprise. That way she wont get the appearance she does now of jumping over more experienced officers and seeming to just get ahead because shes Sarus favorite. And yeah, some of us are coach potatoes, most of us certainly not gold cut supermodels. I even got a t-shirt that says DISCO on it, which prompts inquiries about my musical tastes of past decades when I was a twenty-something, lol. Youve got to hand it to Harry Kim. I like seeing her in the series and like knowing that girls who are considered chunky by their teen or tween peers will know they can become something special and respectable, even if they dont have the ideal Hollywood body type. Well said, Edward. She is one of the best things about Discovery. I hope were able to explore it because theres potential for great levity, but then also really important conversations to be had because when you care about someone you dont want to see them go through pain, and I can see completely how Tilly will be very protective of Michael Burnham. Good points. She would have flushed out of SFA in her first year. At the other end, underweight is also unhealthy and associated with other risks, but gets less negative attention in entertainment. I agree! Why did they do that? Keep up the great work ladies! Marys my TV crush for the last 3 years. Tilly, played by Mary Wiseman on Star Trek Discovery is not pregnant. I agree, the writing, character development, and story telling needs to improve. But the show almost seems to go out of its way every season for some of the dumbest story points you can think of. Finally, Starfleet isn't a military organisation or an army. Sonequa is by all accounts probably the best or one of the best chef de compagnie of all the Trek series. If that scene reflects something she regularly incorporates into her real-life, then I think she will be just fine and she can tell the haters to go pound salt. Some folks here like this nu trek because it lowered standards to make them feel better about themselves. It always cracks me up when people say that they hate Tilly. I just hope now that she has been made captain, all her baggage will be finally gone. My point is, a lot of the shamers are probably ashamed of themselves for being overweight and project it onto others. Tilly is a Harry Kim, Wesley Crusher, Travis Mayweather sort of character at least for me. but it looks like she did simply did it because she was her friend and room mate. These are not well-written or well-acted characters, and they weaken the series every time they show up. By being visible on your TV screen? Im glad you figured out what works for you, but Im not cool with a Star Trek board in 2021 focusing on an actors weight or appearance, especially when its a man commenting on a womans weight. It makes sense there would be and that they be a part of the medical team. Mary Wiseman is confirmed to return as Sylvia Tilly in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, although whether she rejoins the crew or continues at Starfleet Academy and only interjects occasionally remains unknown. Waste of talent. I think the character would have been much better served if Tillys quirks were something that changed as the character grew over the seasons. Many smoke to keep the weight off. Jury still out on Books character.definitely ahead of the 2 dimensional bridge crew though. My condolences to you, for your mum. . However, Tilly's rise to Lieutenant in Thursday's episode of Star Trek: Discovery did not invoke feelings of joy. That is why you never saw councelors on any other class ship. Tillys journey has helped me over the last few years. As far as science fiction most Trek shows have normal looking ppl. I hope Mary Wiseman is okay or has a good reason for her weight gain since S1. The Delta Quadrant is a dangerous place, and the remnants of species and societies that survived around the edges of the Borg network and incursions were harsh and justifiably skeptical of the Federations. And another way to look at it: at least its not another hour of tv taken by a reality show, right? What was your point to this comment, anyway, except to minimize and dismiss support for plus-size women? Its been sooo inconsistent from day one. In large part that is down to getting set in my ways with this franchise, so I have to temper my critiques with that knowledge. No character like her would ever have graduated Starfleet. However, with the successive changes in show runners the coherence of Burnhams development has been lost. Im sure many may NOT be a Janeway but could at least look at her and say thats what I aspire to be. Mention one thing or person loved by EVERYBODY. She could of made it what we call General American/mid-Atlantic to neutralize it a little. Although they didnt really use secondary characters wellthey still dont. Just when it looks like the character has finally grown as a person and doing her own thing, comes right back. Hopefully next season they will be given more development. She is super meta. The moment they decided to incorporate a new character with basically the same characteristics (a young, socially awkward, but very smart ensign) they ruined Tilly. And how and how would your abilities be used in the Mirror Universe? Not sure what the formal CBS/Paramount process is for publishing that kind of stuff, but the story was so detailed that I genuinely wanted to begin looking into it. There are characters you really cherish and others that are fun but ultimately nothing special. I hope that Wiseman uses that info into the future because it does work for fat burning and muscle building.. Shaming is one thing. She cant control her weight. Thats the thought I had last season, when they had the perfect chance to wirte out Burnam (I believe it was Reunification III or the one after that) and they just didnt follow through at the end. I just wonder if maybe they are adapting the basic idea to what we are seeing in Prodigy since the Protostar couldve been part of the Full Circle program and was sent back to the DQ for a specific mission? Actress Mary Wiseman did a series of media . If you cant deal with the idea of conflicting opinions then I really dont think you should be online at the moment. You know, like a psychotic murderer? Do I want to be Sisko or Picard or Archer then most likely yes. She was annoying to me, and the crew gave her a lot of leeway. Im mostly just curious if Tillys removal from Disco came from Wiseman looking to do other projects or if they wrote it in and broke the news that she was getting cut as a regular. To me, at least. Im sorry youve had to experience that and I strongly urge you to take what comfort you can from whatever source you can, regardless of how other people feel about that source. Diplomacy? Find more stories on theStar Trek Universe. 42 comments so far. Shes beyond perfect with her line delivery. I agree with you on principle as far at this being fine on a fictional Star Trek show. Sigh all you like, but thats not going to magically make physics and biology work differently. Shes not going anywhere. Control over ones own body is the most basic freedom we should have. And, yeah, I've also heard a rumor about a potential Starfleet Academy series, and I'm assuming it's being set in the future setting of Discovery. Obesity and overweight are associated with health chronic issues by definition. Do you see that tension? I dont see a repeated notion that DISCO saved Trek by heavily incorporating emotion into their characters. Ive never liked Tilly. I LOVE the future! Stupid decision to bring her back. And if people are critical of her because her appearance does not meet their expectations, they dont really have a clue of what Star Trek is all about. Everybody loves Tilly. Except the writers of course. Bullied badly as a child and teen so I know what I speak of; Im just glad I grew up pre-Internet, and I sympathize with any nowadays who have to deal with Internet bullying on top of real world bullying. Shes a little overweighed, so what? Body shaming is just another category of bullying, with the same general goal of the shamer making him/herself feel superior by putting down others around them, rather than elevate him/herself with goodwill and compassion. Proceed accordingly. And Books starshipthink of it as Star Treks answer to the Astro Megaship from Power Rangers in Space. What do you mean? Her body shape is fabulousshe is gorgeous. TrekMovie.com is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc., Paramount Pictures Corp. or the Star Trek franchise. Like a lot of people, she pivoted and found herself in a new role as teacher. Probably some admirals cousin. Although criticism of a performance is valid (Burnhams whispering, over emoting etc.) I realize there are people who like his quirks. all the outfits here are golden IMO but those shoes murder! Paradise was most likely referring to the shows production and creative teams. Let it die. Im glad for you that you didnt find him annoying. It would make sense if you knew the story ;) Lets just say Jake did write his famous book a couple of years after the end of DS9, but in the years and decades ahead he went on to much bigger things and took his career and his life in a very different direction. She gets up in the morning and lives with a purpose, helping her crewmates, and ready to make the ultimate sacrifice if necessary. Its 2020 and were taking any more of your sh!t. Her message was not that its okay to be overweight (and shes really not that overweight, nor should it really matter), but simply thats it okay to be her flaws and all. In CanadaDiscoveryis broadcast on CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave. He has been part of the Litverse writers room run by Pocket Books and knows not only Beyers works but the books written by others in great detail, and across all eras. They told us and a handful of other outlets what to expect for their characters and more. So smart in the Starfleet tradition. Not everyone is going to agree with you in life but to accuse others of sullying the memories of people they didnt know existed until you replied to their posts may provoke far more negative responses. After his first episode or two, I was done with Barclay and was frustrated when he came back, and especially when he showed up on Voyager. Tilly is the product of lazy writing and a lazy showrunner. Remember , they had steroids and thyroid problems in the 80's, but the majority of people were off normal weight, which today would be called skinny. Overcome her issues. Obligatory mention of the stupid turbolifts and how dumb they are. Yes, she was a therapist that say patients in her office but her betazoid abilities aided Picard. Its just lazy writing. I define me. She is a real girl. Mary Wiseman claims that she wants to inspire all the curvy women around the world with her Star Trek weight gain story. However, in the same interview she also talked about how some fans have not been so supportive in season three: I noticed theres definitely been an uptick in body-shaming towards me and Tilly this season, which was harrowing because Im a person, I have a history and bullying is totally a part of that. There are a lot of people in the comments hating, but in a franchise that includes Neelix, Wesley Crusher, Naomi Wildman, Kes, and Lwaxana Troi, Tilly is frankly nowhere near as annoying as those other characters. After all, it DOES seem as though Tilly is gone from the crew for the time being. Biography Ok, SH didnt invent this. That promise was. So I was also just very excited for the fans. New episodes of Star Trek: Discovery premiere on Thursdays on CBS All Access in the U.S. and on CTV Sci-Fi Channel in Canada, where it's also available to stream on Crave. They have solved some of these issues the easy way by talking themselves out of it (Klingon hair, holograms, Ariam being no android at all), now that we are in the future none of it really matters anymore. And more importantly, were back to exploring both the prime universe and 24th century again we havent done since Voyagers final season, which was 20 years ago this year! Its so brutal. Yes, The Expanse. Try the Daily Mail for 5 minutes. The reason why Troi was on the bridge all the timewas that she was a betazoid. This time, even if I wanted that, my body said: no were going to take some time here, we need to heal. And so, I find myself in this bigger, fuller body and it made me appreciate where I was before. Everyone in the world do not look and act the same if it was for me, it would be a very boring uninterested world. Im sorry I can sugarcoat it. There is a great scene back in S1 when Tilly and Burnham are doing cardio training and post workout are eating their protien, carbs and fat nutrition, something that the body requires after a hard cardio workout. A rare, successful example of this is James Gunns Guardians otG and Suicide Squad, in which a similar premise is treated comedically yet with a touch of sincerity, so as not to devolve into outright farce. Wiseman would be smart to ignore the haters because their posts are rooted in negativity and hate. Conversational, easy to listen to and understand every point. We want people to get their facts from reliable health sources, not celebrities, so saying actors should be sending some sort of fitness message is just backwards. The frequency and level of mockery and hate, very often is targeted to the female actors, for them to behave like women, to behave as woman leaders. I suspect that Prodigy may use some of the elements that Beyer expanded or created for Full Circle without actually developing any of the overall story arc. Im sure nearly everyone of the crew of TNG had issues and problems. They seemed to only be limited by what that particular script called for that week. Fortunately, more than 30 years ago I was encouraged to focus on the health aspects of eating well and training hard and not the aesthetics. I think Mary is doing a fantastic job as isSonequa, Their characters are fantastic as are all the others. And if youre able to use that against someone, that could be very, very dangerous. Background information. Lol. You mean that I can find myself a BBW in the 32nd Century? David Ajala: The first thing that comes to mind, is maybe hes a borderline narcissist, vry egotistical, and self-absorbed. Neither were annoying. Yes! You are correct, it comes down to the same thing, poor plot development. So, although he does the occasional guest star role in other shows produced in Canada, he could take on a larger role on Discovery. If anything is being celebrated, or, at the very least, encouraged, its simple human decency and not judging people by physical attributes alone. After Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Tilly (Mary Wiseman) journey to a planet alongside Burnham's mother Gabrielle (Sonja Sohn), things get a little hairy when the Qowat Milat nun they're .
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